“Help to Prevent Teen Suicide,” Ensign, March 2018
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Help to Prevent Teen Suicide
“We are committed to doing all that we can,” Elder Rasband says.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles joins with civic leaders in a task force to address teenage suicide. Photograph by Kristin Murphy, courtesy of Deseret News.
The Church website suicide.lds.org recently added new resources to help leaders and members prevent suicide and to help leaders minister to individuals and families affected by suicide.
The updated site provides helpful resources for those:
Who are struggling with thoughts of suicide.
Who want to help.
Who have lost a loved one.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke about those updated resources during a press conference where the governor of Utah, USA, announced the creation of a state task force on youth suicide prevention.
“We are committed to doing all that we can,” Elder Rasband said. “… We must all come together to face this issue.” He said that Church leaders have “emphasized the need to foster communities of inclusion where no one is bullied, mistreated, or excluded.”
Following the press conference, Elder Rasband said: “To those who feel alone, rejected, or marginalized or who feel, for any reason, that taking their life might be the solution to their problems, know that you are loved, valued, and respected. Talk to someone. You don’t need to suffer alone. We love you and we need you.”
An official letter from Church headquarters dated January 17, 2018, and addressed to priesthood leaders outlines helpful resources and encourages members and leaders to “learn about and use trusted local resources to take advantage of formal suicide prevention training and to support community initiatives to prevent suicide.”