New Era Connection
September 2018

New Era Connection,” Ensign, September 2018

New Era Connection

The New Era magazine is there for your teens—and for you. See how this month’s issue can help you talk with them and teach them.

New Era Connection article

Preparing for General Conference

This month’s New Era comes with a general conference notebook to help youth prepare to get the most out of general conference.

Choosing a Better Life

In addition, you’ll find articles about making choices for a better life:

Talk with Them

Here are some questions you might ask:

  • How do you plan to prepare for general conference?

  • What kinds of choices have you made that have made your life—and the lives of others—better?

  • Jesus Christ taught us to be meek. So how does that apply to your everyday life?

Teach Them

In family home evening or other teaching settings, consider using something you saw in the New Era. For instance:

  • Read “He Tied My Shoe” (page 24), and talk about small acts of kindness that have made a difference in your life. Invite youth to share similar experiences.

  • Read “Music That Moves” (page 16), and talk about how you have been able to connect the gospel to the interests you’ve pursued in your life.

  • Read “Prophets: A Sign of God’s Love” (page 32), and share how your life has been blessed and improved by modern prophets. Invite youth to share one way that counsel from a modern prophet has blessed their lives.
