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21-Day Book of Mormon Challenge
December 2018

Local Pages

21-Day Book of Mormon Challenge

“We introduced the Book of Mormon challenge to a less active member we found at a bus stop. He told us he really missed the peace that only comes through a serious study of the Book of Mormon.” —Elder Ben Jones, England Leeds Mission

On September 1, 2018, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout Europe were invited to participate in a challenge to read specific verses of scripture during the first 21 days of the month. Each scripture from the Book of Mormon was accompanied by a question themed around the scripture along with a quote from Church leaders. In addition, six short video messages of Church members were also shared.

The idea of the challenge was to help develop our personal relationship with Jesus Christ, drawing closer to Him by experimenting with the word of God.

The England Leeds Mission took on the challenge and incorporated it with their daily missionary activities.

The England Leeds mission president, Martin Turvey, introduced the challenge at a zone conference. Specially created banners and printed materials were on display, with a screenshot of a Google search for “The Book of Mormon.” He spoke to the missionaries about how deeply he felt to “reclaim the Book of Mormon as a sacred text, as a witness of the Saviour Jesus Christ” in each of our lives.

Elder Meyers said: “We have found more success using the 21-Day Challenge bookmark for finding because a lot of people have questions and really seem to be more interested in the Book of Mormon when they see that it can answer deep questions.”

Many members participated by sharing online their favorite scripture and a few words about how the Book of Mormon or a particular scripture had blessed their life.

Conner Shothall said: “My fiancé, Abriannah Cowley, and I would set aside time with each other to read through the chapter then post on Facebook a brief summary of our thoughts and feelings to share with others. We would open ourselves up to any questions people would have and urge them to read the chapters themselves. I found this helped shorten the distance for us both while we are in different countries. I had a reminder of why I’m a member of this Church and the amount of love that Heavenly Father has for all of His children.

Abriannah from Idaho, USA, said: “This challenge brought me closer to Christ by pondering in a more personal way the principles and doctrines of the gospel. Our Savior’s great Atonement is proof of God’s love for us, and I am so grateful to have been a part of this challenge. It gave me a better, elevated way to study the Book of Mormon.”

Not only did the missionaries invite others to participate in the daily reading but they themselves also took part.

Elder Kenewah said: “I had good experiences during the 21-Day Book of Mormon Challenge. I love reading the Book of Mormon. It helps to strengthen my testimony. It gives me a knowledge of how I can look to Jesus Christ and helps me draw closer to Him. In Helaman 5:12, I love the way Helaman admonishes his sons to build their foundation ‘upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God.’ I know that we are living in a time where people are putting their interest in worldly things, and if we focus our attention on those things, we will fall and forget about the plan of salvation. I know without a doubt that many of the experiences I have gained concerning Jesus Christ have come through reading the Book of Mormon.”

Elder Oldenburg said: “The 21-Day Challenge has helped me to appreciate the Book of Mormon even more. I am grateful for the special Spirit it brings. The ‘voice from the dust’ literally spoke to me as I pondered the words it contains.”

Sister Allen said: “One of the coolest experiences I had with the Book of Mormon challenge was seeing it change my life and the lives of my loved ones. One of the ladies I shared it with said, ‘Conference talks have become my salvation. I love, love, love them!’ It is amazing how beautifully the prophets and apostles can share further insights of the doctrines taught within the Book of Mormon. They always say it takes 21 days to create a habit, and doing this challenge has done just that. It has helped me create a habit of further daily scripture study and study of the teachings of modern-day prophets and apostles. My testimony has been strengthened and I am so grateful.”

As we have frequently been invited to do, this challenge is a great reminder to us all of the blessings that come through daily study of the Book of Mormon. If you would like to share your own stories from reading the Book of Mormon, please follow the link here: ldsuk.co.uk.