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The Most Influential People
February 2019

“The Most Influential People,” Ensign, February 2019

Young Adults

The Most Influential People

walking down a hill

Have you ever read articles with titles like “30 Influential People Who Are under 30” and thought, “How do I get on that list?” I’ve certainly wondered how I can be more involved, more helpful, and yes, more important (which probably means I also need to be more humble). While our contributions might be something the world recognizes, sometimes they’re a more private fulfillment of our covenants with God.

Our influence does not require traveling abroad to help someone far away. It begins right in our own homes, with our family or roommates, and with our neighbors. It begins in our communities. As we start to change and become, “Time to Serve” (page 42) offers some practical steps to serving in our community. Setting aside time to help others might mean we need to make changes—possibly a change of heart or a change in where our time and energy are spent.

In “A Mighty Force for Good” (page 44), several young adults share their experience of developing Christlike love for others. These stories show how inspiration and faith can lead young adults to be an influence for good.

Elder Gavarret reminds us that we are already heroes and heroines (see page 47). In the premortal life, we chose to come to earth, and now we get to choose what kind of difference we want to make. Finding our personal mission will guide us in serving our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

In this issue, “In(fluence) the World” (page 48) helps us see that understanding our world can inform us in how we make a difference. The example of prophets, apostles, and other Church leaders shows that we need to be aware of world issues, care about them, and find ways to influence change around us.

In my experience, there are far more than “30 influential people under 30” among the young adults of the Church. The most influential people I find are those who are “doers of the word, and not hearers only” (James 1:22). They are those who are covenant keepers. They can be all of you.

Looking forward to seeing the difference you’ll make.

Liz Stitt