March 2019 Barbara Morgan GardnerI Have So Much to Learn about the Priesthood The Church Is Here: Rome, Italy The Source of Priesthood Authority Jason and Jackie Wong—Hong Kong, ChinaNewlyweds in Hong Kong describe how they are equal partners in their home and how they keep their relationship strong. How to Share Testimony More NaturallyHow we can share our testimony in everyday conversations. Carlos A. GodoySources of Peace and PowerHow can those who face challenges still be at peace? Dieter F. UchtdorfYour Adventure through MortalityElder Uchtdorf talks about how the dots of your life will eventually connect. Sunday School General PresidencyLearning a New Way of LearningFive principles that can help guide teachers and learners in learning and teaching the gospel. Barbara Morgan GardnerConnecting Daughters of God with His Priesthood PowerHow the women of the Church can more fully participate in priesthood privileges. Karee BrownPeter’s Mother-in-Law Young Adults Alex HugieThirsting for Greater Understanding Kealohilani WallaceShielded by CovenantsA young adult woman testifies of the blessings we can receive when we are faithful to our temple covenants. Mahesh Kumar VedurupakaLooking Again toward the Holy TempleA husband and wife return to the temple to better understand the covenants they made there. Maryssa DennisThe Temple Is for Me Temple Endowment Q&A Zariah InnissGood Enough for the Temple?A young adult feels inadequate as she prepares to go to the temple for the first time. Alex Hugie5 Reasons Singles Should Participate in Temple Sealings5 reasons single members of the Church should participate in sealings for the dead. Chakell WardleighHomesick for My Eternal Home Chakell Wardleigh and Heather ClaridgeThe Stained Glass in the Rome Visitors’ CenterThe story of a beautiful stained glass on display in the new Rome Italy Temple Visitors’ Center. Mindy SeluLessons on Motherhood from Almost Sleeping through General Conference Ralphie JacobsRighteous, Intentional Parenting Christy MonsonRedesigning My Life after Loss Jakob R. JonesDoubt Not, but Be Believing Richard M. RomneyHow Your Mission Can Help You Have the Time(-ing) of Your LifeThings to consider in determining the timing of a full-time mission. Rose HarveyOff the Dusty Bookshelf Latter-day Saint Voices Janessa OrgillIt’s Not about the Chairs Wendy Jennings (as told to Leah Barton)Do You Think You’ll See Your Brother Again? Harmin Toledo GonzalezTomorrow, I’ll Go to Church Julio Meza MichelA Driving Lesson Lauren Palmer-MerrillThe Blessing of a Shattered Screen Digital Only: News Meet Study Goals with New FeatureThe new Study Plans feature in the Gospel Library app can help people meet their goals. More Options for Missionaries to Communicate with Their FamiliesNew guidelines allow missionaries more options to communicate with their families. Claudio R. M. CostaPay Attention to the Prophets Australia Local Pages Prophets and the Blessings of Following Their Counsel An Unexpected Trial and a Timely Challenge Torn Apart in This Life, United for Eternity in the Next Found on a Mission, Reunited on a Mission Cairns ‘Lights the World’ United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages The Blessings of Temples in My Life Springtime Painting He Is the Way Lost Patriarchal Blessings Walking by Faith, Not by Sight Ebenezer Beesley and Wooburn Green Wandsworth Family History Workshop New Ensign Article Submission Website New Zealand Local Pages Prophets and the Blessings of Following Their Counsel “Be Smart” Adoption: A Sacred Journey to Parenthood Two Latter-day Saints Receive ‘Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit’ Recognition