Religious Books Donated for World Book Day
July 2019

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Religious Books Donated for World Book Day

To celebrate World Book Day, representatives from 11 faiths donated books to the Westall Library in Clayton, Victoria at an interfaith event on Tuesday 23 April 2019.

Organised by the Kingston Interfaith Network, the event was an opportunity for people of different faiths to get to know each other. Approximately 35 books were donated by faith groups including two Anglican congregations, Al-Ehsan Centre of Melbourne, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Dejiao, Noble Minds Society Taoism, Falun Dafa, The Salvation Army, Eckankar, Subud, and Sufi.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints donated copies of The Book of Mormon in various languages including English, Arabic, Italian, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Greek as well as copies of Jesus the Christ and Saints: The Standard of Truth.    

Latter-day Saint Christanne Smith, currently the chairperson of Kingston Interfaith Network, presented the books to the Westall Library and spoke to the group about the importance of interactions between people of different beliefs and backgrounds.

“Recent events in Christchurch and Sri Lanka can leave us in no doubt as to the importance of people of good will everywhere contributing to open communication, fellowship and mutual respect,” said Sister Smith.

“It is in the fellowship with others not of our faith and those who practise no faith that misconceptions and stereotypes and misunderstandings are broken down and we recognise that even though we may believe differently, there are many things that unite us.”
