“Religion: A Blessing to Our Lives and Communities,” Ensign, July 2019
Religion: A Blessing to Our Lives and Communities
Faith and religion are a core part of our identity, as Elder L. Whitney Clayton of the Presidency of the Seventy explains in this issue (page 52). Our faith, and religion in general, affects our everyday lives. Numerous studies of Christian denominations and other religions show that believers are healthier and more likely to contribute to their communities. The findings presented here are just a sample of the many ways religion improves our lives.
Religious people:
Are more likely to volunteer,1 give to charity,2 and join clubs and groups.3
Have healthier “social relationships and stable[r] marriages” as well as expanded social networks.4
“Are more apt to marry and less likely to divorce [and they] express higher degrees of satisfaction with their spouses.”5
“Are about a third more likely … to say they are very happy.”6