undefined undefined December 19
December 19
December 2019 Advent Devotionals

December 19

numeral 19 with dove flying

Illustration by Carolyn Vibbert

“Our hope is to capture the true spirit of Christmas for ourselves and for those we love. That spirit is characterized by peace. … The peace of Christmas is ‘the peace of God, which passeth all understanding’ [Philippians 4:7]. It is the peace that the Apostle Paul promised would ‘keep [our] hearts and minds through Christ Jesus’ [Philippians 4:7]. And Paul was right. That peace we seek is only through and because of Jesus Christ.”1

—President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency


  1. Henry B. Eyring, “Gifts of Peace” (First Presidency Christmas devotional, 2016), broadcasts.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.