Lancaster Mission Hall disturbances of 1911–1912
January 2020

Local Pages

Lancaster Mission Hall Disturbances of 1911–1912

In the heart of the city of Lancaster is a rather unassuming five-floor building. It sits in the historic castle quarter and has been used for many purposes over the years, including residences, offices and workshops and, for a number of years in the early twentieth century, as a Latter-day Saint mission hall.

The Church began to emerge in Lancaster in earnest during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. By 1908, the congregation had grown significantly and was struggling to find suitable accommodation. In October that year the commodious Victoria Hall started to be used; it was considered to be the finest hall in Lancaster.

On 26 April 1911, a mob attacked the mission house. For some time, the Reverend Frederick G. Llewellin of St Thomas’ Church had written articles in the Lancaster Guardian that were negative about the Church. He also published antagonistic tracts, such as The Rise of the Joe Smith Religion and Is Mormonism a Fraud? He said he was determined to rid Lancaster of the “Mormons”, whom he utterly despised.

Richard W. Young, then-president of the Liverpool Conference, with other members and missionaries, had to repel the mob trying to break into the building. Elder Young declared he would debate with honest seekers of truth, but not with blasphemers and hooligans.1 The police eventually assisted with restoring the peace. Immediately after the incident, an individual in the community wrote letter to members and missionaries:

“I have read with shame and sorrow the report in today’s Daily Dispatch of the disturbance made at your meeting-house last evening, and though I am not known to you and have no connection whatever with any denomination, I feel I must express my deep regret that any so-called religious people in this town should act as these men have done.

“You have every bit as much right to spread your faith and make converts to it as any other body has, and the persecution your people are now having to endure in this country shows me that the name ‘Christian England’ is a misnomer (in some quarters).”2

Yet other incidents were to follow. The showing of the film Victim of the Mormons in early 1912, resulted in another mob attack on the congregation. On the morning of Sunday 21 January, local men attempted to break through the doors.3 Three members bravely faced the crowd and eventually got it to disperse.

The mission hall was disorganised during the First World War.

While the particulars of the Lancaster riots of 1911 and 1912 are largely forgotten by current members and the community, members today recognise the valiant efforts of previous Latter-day Saints who persevered through such violent opposition.

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  1. “Mormons at Bay: Curate Leads Attack at Lancaster”, Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser (27 April 1911), p. 10.

  2. Millennial Star, Vol. 73, No. 21 (25 May 1911), pp. 326–327.

  3. Diary of Newton Jackson, 21 January 1912, L. Tom Perry Special Collection, Brigham Young University.
