Family Study Fun
January 2020

“Family Study Fun,” Ensign, January 2020

Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon

Family Study Fun

Consider these activities during family scripture study or home evening.

December 30–January 5 (Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon)

Super Listener Word-a-Thon

hands holding up cards

Illustrations by David Green

An important part of family study this year will be listening intently to the words of Book of Mormon prophets and the resurrected Savior as He visits the Americas.

  1. Write the following on index cards, one word per card: Mormon, Lord, Testimony, God, Jesus, Joseph, Plates, Prophet.

  2. Pass out the cards (one or two per person) and instruct family members to lift the card high when they hear the word.

  3. Read the introduction to the Book of Mormon aloud.

Discussion: Why is it important to listen to and follow the teachings of the Savior and Book of Mormon prophets? What goals should we set as a family this year concerning the Book of Mormon?

January 6–12 (1 Nephi 3:7)

Courageous Hot Potato

boy catching ball

When Nephi’s brothers Laman and Lemuel complained that the Lord required hard things (see 1 Nephi 3:5), Nephi said he would “go and do” whatever the Lord commanded (see 1 Nephi 3:7).

  1. Have everyone sit in a circle.

  2. Give someone a small, soft object (beanbag, tennis ball, balled-up sock, etc.).

  3. Play “Nephi’s Courage” on the Sacred Music app (no. 120 in the Children’s Songbook) while family members pass the object around the circle. Pause the music at a random moment.

  4. Whoever is holding the object when the music stops will explain one faithful act they will “go and do” this week.

Discussion: What are some things the Lord has asked us to do that seem hard? How can we be more faithful in our responses to those commandments?

January 13–19 (1 Nephi 8)

Collaborative Art Museum

crayon and paper

Lehi’s vision of the tree of life is a wealth of gospel learning (see 1 Nephi 8).

  1. Give everyone a paper and pencil.

  2. Assign each person to draw only one of the following:

  3. Pass the papers to the left. Add people to the drawing.

  4. Pass again. Add captions or word balloons.

  5. Pass again. Color with crayons or markers.

Discussion: What do the various parts of the vision represent? (see 1 Nephi 11:21–23; 12:16; 15:23–24; John 14:6; 1 Nephi 11:36). What do we need to do to reach the tree and find joy?

January 20–26 (I Nephi 11–15)

Visionary Word Scrambler

girl holding paper

Because Nephi “desired” to know the truth, and “believing” he could (see 1 Nephi 11:1), his eyes were opened and he saw many wonders in vision.

  1. Write the following scrambled words and scriptures on cards:

  2. Read the scriptures to unscramble the words.

Discussion: Why did the Lord reveal so much to Nephi? We may not have visions as Nephi did, but we can open our eyes, minds, and hearts to revelation. Share a time when you have had a revelatory experience.

January 27–February 2 (1 Nephi 17)

Shipbuilding 101

ship made from household items

Before Nephi could start building a ship, he asked the Lord where he should go to find ore to make tools (see 1 Nephi 17:9–10).

  1. Gather items in your home to use as “shipbuilding materials” (for example: blocks or pots or sofa cushions).

  2. Hide the materials throughout the room.

  3. Give your family instructions on where the materials are hidden.

  4. Bring the materials to the shoreline (middle of the room) and give instructions on how to build a ship.

Discussion: Why did Nephi need help from the Lord? What are some hard things that the Lord asks us to do? What attributes did Nephi possess that made the ship a reality? How can we as a family develop those same attributes?
