What Plain and Precious Truths Were Restored by the Book of Mormon?
January 2020

“What Plain and Precious Truths Were Restored by the Book of Mormon?” Ensign, January 2020

Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon

1 Nephi 11–15 (January 20–26)

What Plain and Precious Truths Were Restored by the Book of Mormon?

truths restored by Book of Mormon

In a vision, Nephi saw that many of the teachings in the Bible would be changed over time but that God would prepare a way for those truths to be restored (see 1 Nephi 13:26–40).

  1. The Fall of Adam and Eve was a part of Heavenly Father’s plan (see 2 Nephi 2:22–25).

  2. We existed as spirits before this life, learning and preparing for mortality (see Alma 13:3).

  3. Christ visited the people of the ancient Americas and established His Church there (see 3 Nephi 11–26).

  4. Baptism is not needed for infants because they are not yet accountable (see Moroni 8:10).