Jacob 1–4
March 2020

Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon—Support Articles and Activities

March 9–15

Jacob 1–4

Be Reconciled unto God through the Atonement of Christ

Jesus smiling (from Bible videos)

After you’ve studied the scripture passages for this week and reviewed the questions and activities in the manual, consider sharing any of the following articles and activities with your family. These additional resources can assist you as you strive to teach the gospel in your home.

Jacob 1:6–8, 15–19; 2:1–11

Magnifying Your Calling

Jacob received his assignment to preach as an “errand from the Lord” (Jacob 1:17). Do we recognize our callings as errands from the Lord? What can we do to magnify those callings?


  • How Could I Magnify My Calling?” In this Ensign article, a sister, recently called as a new seminary teacher, wonders how she can fill the shoes of the teacher she is replacing—until she learns what it really means to magnify her calling.

  • It’s Your Call.” In this New Era article, Sister Bonnie L. Oscarson, former Young Women General President, offers some tips for youth who are called into class or quorum presidencies.

  • Lily’s First Calling.” In this Friend story, Lily finds courage to serve as the new president of her Young Women class.

  • Just Like Grandpa.” William is sad to leave his friends in his ward because of his dad’s new calling in a sign-language branch. Read this story from the Friend to find out what helps him feel better.


  • Article of Faith 5.” This page from the Friend includes an activity for children to number pictures in order to show the steps of how a person receives a calling.

Jacob 4:8–18

Looking to Christ

Jacob warned against spiritual blindness, or “looking beyond the mark” (Jacob 4:14). As we keep our focus on the Savior and look to Him in every thought, we can avoid spiritual blindness and remain valiant in our testimonies.


  • Valiant in the Testimony of Jesus.” In this general conference address, Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks of stumbling blocks that can keep us from being “valiant in the testimony of Christ,” among them “looking beyond the mark.”

  • A Remarkable Future Is Before You!” In this devotional adapted for the New Era, President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, shares five tips that can help you draw closer to Christ.

  • I Find the Savior.” In this poem published by the Friend, the author shares ways she finds the Savior in her daily life.


  • Off-Target Ball Toss.” Use this activity from the Ensign to teach the importance of focusing on the Savior rather than “looking beyond the mark” (Jacob 4:14).

  • Coloring Page: Jesus Says, ‘Come, Follow Me.’” Print this page from the Friend for your children to color.

  • Names of Jesus.” Use this word search activity to remind your family of the different names for Jesus Christ found in the scriptures.