undefined undefined Mourning with Those That Mourn Means More Now
Mourning with Those That Mourn Means More Now
COVID-19: Messages of Faith

“Mourning with Those That Mourn Means More Now,” Liahona, May 2020.

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Mourning with Those That Mourn Means More Now

Although I live alone, I see how the blessings of the priesthood are still mine to enjoy—especially during this pandemic.

woman receiving a blessing

The author lives in Washington, USA.

The loss of sacrament meeting and my weekly temple trip has left me with a sense of emptiness. I’ve heard others express similar feelings during this period of isolation. Many are grieving the death of loved ones. Others, like myself, grieve the loss of activities that once filled our days with a sense of purpose.

But the Lord has not left me without help during this time of need. For example, I will always be grateful for the ward member who repaired my generators during a recent power outage so they would be ready to use during any future outages as well. Or the angel who cleared my lengthy driveway of snow. I’ve also received priesthood blessings of healing and comfort. On the first Sunday with no Church meetings, ward members reached out and offered to bring the sacrament to me. The chance to take the sacrament at home was such a sweet experience that it brought tears to my eyes.

Joseph Smith said that we are “to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to provide for the widow, to dry up the tear of the orphan, to comfort the afflicted, whether in this church, or in any other, or in no church at all” (Times and Seasons, Mar. 15, 1842, 732, josephsmithpapers.org).

When I think of the priesthood in that way, I see that it is intertwined with every facet of my life. It’s how I want to live, and it’s evident in the help I receive from other Latter-day Saints. Even the very air I breathe was created by the Lord through priesthood power and is a gift from Him. So, although I am a widow and have no priesthood holder living in my home, I know that the blessings of the priesthood are still mine to enjoy, even—and maybe especially—during this difficult time.

I mourn the situation we’re in. This pandemic is preventing us from attending our meetings and is keeping us from the temple. I still mourn that my husband, who died 12 years ago, is not at my side through these perilous times. But at the same time, I am thankful to God for His restored priesthood power. It comforts me during these challenges and delivers help through those who heed the call to minister.

When I imagine how the Savior would act if He were here, it makes me try even harder to hear His voice and follow His example each day. Perhaps if we all do that, this experience can be something that brings us closer to Heavenly Father and each other, united through the blessings of His priesthood power.