How Do I Talk to My Kids about the Importance of Both Women and Men?
September 2020

“How Do I Talk to My Kids about the Importance of Both Women and Men?” Ensign, September 2020

How Do I Talk to My Kids about the Importance of Both Women and Men?

illustration of man and woman

Illustrations by Katie Payne

5 Truths to Talk About

  • Each one of us is a child “of heavenly parents.” That truth reminds us that both women and men are an important part of the plan of happiness. How would the world be a better place if all men and women, girls and boys, respected each other as equally valuable and needed?

  • Both women and men have a “divine destiny.” This means that both boys and girls have the chance to live in a perfect heavenly home someday. What are some good choices that will help you reach your divine destiny?

  • Wives and husbands should “love and care for each other.” What are some ways you can practice loving and caring for others?

  • Fathers and mothers may help their families in different ways, but they should work together “as equal partners.” When have you seen men and women work together on something important?

  • Parents should raise their children “in love and righteousness.” What are some good things you’ve learned from a mother, grandmother, or other woman? What are some good things you’ve learned from a father, grandfather, or other man?

4 Activity Ideas

  • Find different tools that work together to do something. For example, a knife and fork are very different, but both can help you eat a meal. Men and women are different, but they are both important. And when they work together, they can do amazing things.

  • Color the pages in the Friend magazine this month that show the women and men who help lead the Church.

  • Make a goal to help your family show more respect and kindness to both women and men.

  • Think of someone who doesn’t know that they are important and loved. How can you help them understand that they are a beloved child of heavenly parents?