Family Study Fun
December 2020

“Family Study Fun,” Ensign, December 2020

Come, Follow Me: Book of Mormon

Family Study Fun

Consider these activities during family scripture study or home evening.

Moroni 1–6 (November 30–December 6)

Moving with Moroni

paper with the word baptism written on it

Illustrations by David Green

Moroni wrote about several ordinances (or sacred acts performed by someone with priesthood authority). Use this activity to review the scriptures below.

  1. Write the following on four sheets of paper and scatter them around the room:

  2. Ask someone to start and stop a Church song while people walk from paper to paper.

  3. When the music stops, everyone goes to the nearest paper. Whoever touches a paper last should read the scripture and say one reason that ordinance is important. Then start and stop the music for the next round.

  4. Keep playing until all four ordinances have been discussed.

Discussion: What can we do to treat these ordinances as sacred? How do these ordinances bless our family?

Moroni 7 (December 7–13)

Faces of Charity

woman holding up a family picture

Mormon taught that we “must needs have charity” (Moroni 7:44). Use this activity to talk about what charity means.

  1. Show the picture of Jesus from page 193 of the Come, Follow Me manual for individuals and families.

  2. Read Moroni 7:45–47 together. As you read, write down on slips of paper phrases that describe charity (for example, “is kind”).

  3. Put the slips of paper around the picture of Christ. Talk about times He acted in those ways.

  4. Now show a picture of your family. Talk about what your family can do to follow Christ’s examples of charity. As each idea is shared, move the corresponding paper from Christ’s picture to your family’s picture.

Discussion: Read and talk about Moroni 7:48. What can your family do to get ready to see the Savior again?

Moroni 10 (December 14–20)

Guess the Good Gift

gift with wrapping paper, scissors, and tape

Use this activity to talk more about Moroni 10:18 (“every good gift cometh of Christ”).

  1. Ahead of time, wrap a Book of Mormon with many layers of wrapping paper or colored cellophane. Tell your family you’ll share clues about what’s inside this gift.

  2. As you share each clue (for example, “This teaches us about Jesus Christ”), invite a family member to take off a layer of paper and guess what’s inside.

  3. If someone guesses correctly, continue unwrapping and take turns sharing truths about the Book of Mormon.

Discussion: Once the book is unwrapped, end by reading Moroni 10:18 together. What can your family do to share the gift of the gospel with others?

Christmas (December 21–27)

Testimony Time Capsule

jar with papers in it

As a family, talk about the past year. What was hard? What was good? What helped you draw closer to Jesus Christ? Then make a time capsule together.

  1. Decorate a jar, box, or folder. Invite everyone in the family to add small objects, pictures, or journal entries about the past year.

  2. Invite everyone to share at least one thing that represents their testimony of Jesus Christ or a blessing from God they noticed this year.

  3. Close your capsule and put it somewhere it will be safe, and decide how long you should wait until you open it again.

Discussion: What can we do as a family in the upcoming year to continue learning about and following the Savior?
