Recipes from Norway
September 1971

“Recipes from Norway,” Friend, Sept. 1971, 5

Recipes from Norway

Veiled Country-Girls

Crumb layer:

1 cup dry bread crumbs

1 tablespoon sugar

1/2 tablespoon cinnamon

Toast bread crumbs until golden brown. Cool. Sprinkle crumbs with sugar and cinnamon.


4 apples

3/4 cup water

2 tablespoons sugar

1 cup whipping cream

Pare and slice apples. Cook with water and sugar. Cool.

When ready to serve, place bread crumbs and applesauce in alternate layers in a bowl. (Jam may be added to top layer.) Cover with whipped cream. Serves 4.


3 cups fresh berries or fruit

2 cups water

3/4 cup sugar (or sugar to suit taste)

2 tablespoons cornstarch

1 cup whipping cream

Cook berries or fruit with water in saucepan over medium heat until soft. Add sugar. When sugar is dissolved, add cornstarch and stir until cornstarch is dissolved. Do not overcook or overstir.

Pour into bowl and place in refrigerator. When ready to serve, scoop mixture into serving dishes. Top with whipped cream. Serves 8.

Illustrated by Marilyn Miller
