Recipes from Finland
January 1972

“Recipes from Finland,” Friend, Jan. 1972, 11

Recipes from Finland

Pekka’s Delicious Morning Meal

Cook oatmeal cereal until done. Add raisins and let sit awhile. Serve with milk and sugar.

Karelian Stew

1 pound beef stew meat with some bone

1/2 pound mutton or lamb shoulder

1/2 pound pork

1 onion (optional)


12 whole allspice

Ask the butcher to cut the meat and bones into one-inch pieces for you. Trim away the fat and put all meat into a large oven dish. Cut onion in rings and lay over the meat. Add the allspice, sprinkle with salt, and cover with hot water.

Cook in moderate oven (350º) without a lid for 1 hour. Lower heat to 275º and cook slowly another 2 to 3 hours.

Serve with potatoes boiled in their skins.

(No-bake Chocolate Cookies)

1 cup oatmeal

3/4 cup sugar

1/4 pound butter or margarine

1 tablespoon cocoa

1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix all ingredients and form into one-inch balls. Roll balls in powdered sugar or coconut and refrigerate. Makes about 25 balls.
