May Calendar
May 1972

“May Calendar,” Friend, May 1972, 24

May Calendar

May 1 is “May Day” and is celebrated in many countries throughout the whole world. Early on the morning of May 1 English children gather hawthorn blossoms, which they call “May flowers,” to decorate their Maypoles or to put in May baskets, which they hang on the doorknobs of their friends’ houses. Girls wear their prettiest dresses, hoping to be chosen as May Queen to rule over the day and dance about the Maypole.

Boys in Switzerland and Czechoslovakia go “a-maying” to bring back pine trees to put under the windows of their girl friends’ houses, and in Italy this is the morning they serenade their sweethearts.

Since ancient times when the inhabitants of Rome, Egypt, and India celebrated May Day with songs and dances, May 1 has been an especially happy day. In North Ameria it is often the time for spring festivals to joyously welcome the new life of springtime.

As YOU gather May flowers, dance around the Maypole, or participate in a spring festival, remember all of the people who are celebrating too—and this will be one of the happiest days you’ve ever had!

May 1: May Day

May 1, 1846: Nauvoo Temple publicly dedicated.

May 8, 1854: Branch of the Church organized, Piedmont, Italy.

Johannes Brahms: German composer. Born May 7, 1833.

Peter Tchaikovsky: Russian composer. Born May 7, 1840.

Florence Nightingale: Born May 12, 1820.

May 14, 1844: French Polynesian Mission opened in Tahiti.

May 17: Norwegian Independence Day

May 21, 1888: Manti Temple dedicated.

May 21, 1927: Charles Lindbergh began first transatlantic solo flight.

May 21, 1945: George Albert Smith sustained as President of the Church.

Richard Wagner: German composer. Born May 22, 1813.

May 23, 1853: Branch of the Church organized at Cape Town, South Africa.

Ralph Waldo Emerson: American author and poet. Born May 25, 1803.

May 27, 1840: Millennial Star began publication in England.

Walt Whitman: American poet. Born May 31, 1819.

Illustrated by Ginger Brown
