“Meals for Young Cooks,” Friend, May 1974, 12
Meals for Young Cooks
Tips for Young Cooks
Here are some helpful tips to remember:
1. Make a shopping list to be sure you have everything you need for each recipe.
2. Read entire recipe before starting to prepare it.
3. Assemble all ingredients and utensils so nothing will be forgotten.
4. Avoid outside interferences. If you receive a telephone call, ask if you can call back.
5. As you finish using a cooking utensil, put it to soak.
6. Keep counter tops wiped clean as you work. Wipe up spills immediately.
7. To clean a head of lettuce, you should:
Firmly pound lettuce, core down, onto counter top.
Lift out core of lettuce.
Run cold water down through head of lettuce.
Turn lettuce upside down in sink and drain well.
Wrap with two or three paper towels and then refrigerate in plastic bag.
Dinner Menu
Hearty Spanish Salad
Frosty Orange Floats
Sesame Seed Breadsticks
Hearty Spanish Salad
4 cups (1 pound) grated cheddar cheese
1 large head lettuce, shredded
1 can chili beans without meat
3 or 4 (1/2 cup) green onions, sliced
1/2 cup french dressing
6-ounce package (4 cups) corn chips
1. Combine in large salad bowl cheese, lettuce, chili beans, and onions.
2. Add dressing and toss together with two spoons.
3. Just before serving, toss in corn chips.
Frosty Orange Floats
2 1/2 cups orange juice
1/4 cup sugar
1 pint orange sherbet
1 quart chilled ginger ale
1. In pitcher combine orange juice and sugar and stir well.
2. Pour 1/2 cup of mixture into each tall glass.
3. Drop carefully into each glass one scoop of orange sherbet.
4. Fill each glass with ginger ale.
5. Serve with spoons and straws.
Sesame Seed Breadsticks
8-ounce can refrigerated biscuits
1 egg
sesame seeds
1/4 pound butter
1. Preheat oven to 350º.
2. Open biscuits, separate, and cut each in half.
3. Roll each half into a thin stick about 4 inches long and put on greased baking sheet, leaving space between.
4. Brush tops with egg slightly beaten in bowl with fork.
5. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
6. Bake for 10 minutes and serve with butter.
Illustrated by McRay Magleby