July 1974

“Michael,” Friend, July 1974, 14


Michael likes to run up and down hills when he plays with his friends.

But when Michael goes to church, he walks very quietly.

Michael likes to wrestle with his friends, his dog, and sometimes his dad.

But when Michael goes to church, he sits quietly and listens.

Michael likes to climb trees, fences, and hills.

But when Michael goes to church, he never climbs on the benches or marks them with his feet.

Michael likes to sing in a loud voice at home when he takes a bath or helps clean the yard.

But when Michael goes to church, he doesn’t even hum until the song leader says it is time to sing.

Michael likes to twirl his arms and pretend he’s a hummingbird or a motorboat or a helicopter.

But when Michael goes to church, he keeps his arms very still and folds them when a prayer is said.

Michael likes to play with toy cars, tops, bouncing balls, marbles, and airplanes.

But when Michael goes to church, he leaves all of his toys at home.

Michael likes to talk and whistle and skip and jump.

But when Michael goes to church he doesn’t talk or whistle or skip or jump. He quietly thinks about his Heavenly Father and shows his love for Him by being reverent.

Illustrated by Julie Fuhriman
