undefined undefined Meals for Young Cooks
Meals for Young Cooks
January 1975

“Meals for Young Cooks,” Friend, Jan. 1975, 38

Meals for Young Cooks

Supper Menu

Simple Cheese Fondue
Favorite Tossed Salad
Cherry Tomatoes
Chilled Pineapple Chunks
Peanut Butter Squares

Tips for Young Cooks

Preparing delicious food is only part of being a good cook. An attractively set table seems to make the food taste even better. Here are some things to remember when setting a pretty table:

1. Try to use place mats or a tablecloth rather than a plain tabletop.

2. Arrange an attractive centerpiece of flowers or greens from the yard, a plant or figurine from around the house, or a combination of both.

3. Arrange silverware carefully—fork left of plate, knife right of plate, and spoon just right of knife. Napkins are placed left of fork and glass is above tip of knife.

4. Although it’s a little more work, it’s a lot nicer to pour milk from a pitcher than a milk bottle, and to spoon catsup and jam from small serving dishes.

5. Set table early so there is time to do it well. Have everything ready to serve before calling the family or guests to the table.

Peanut Butter Squares

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 pound marshmallows

1/4 cup (1/2 square) butter or margarine

5 cups unsweetened puffed rice or any other kind of prepared cereal

1. Combine peanut butter, marshmallows, and butter in medium-size saucepan.

2. Cook over low heat, stirring until mixture is melted and blended together.

3. Put cereal in large bowl and pour peanut butter syrup over it.

4. Stir until all cereal is coated. Pour into buttered 9-inch square pan, wetting back of large spoon if necessary to make it spread more easily.

5. Cool until it can be cut into squares for serving.

Favorite Tossed Salad

3 1/2-ounce can French fried onion rings

1/2 medium-size head of lettuce washed and well drained

5 cups spinach leaves washed and well drained

1/3 cup Italian dressing

1. Spread onion rings evenly in skillet, cover, and warm over low heat for several minutes.

2. In meantime, break up greens into salad bowl and mix together.

3. Scatter warm onion rings over top of salad and toss lightly with dressing.

Simple Cheese Fondue

6 crusty hard rolls

2 cups (1/2 pound) cheddar cheese

1/4 cup (1/2 square) butter or margarine

1/4 cup flour

2 cups milk

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon prepared mustard

1. Cut rolls into bite-size pieces, making sure each piece has one side of crust.

2. Grate cheese.

3. Melt butter or margarine in saucepan over medium heat and blend in flour.

4. Remove from heat, add milk, salt, mustard, and stir with wire whisk or mixing spoon until well blended.

5. Return to heat and cook, stirring constantly until sauce is thick and smooth.

6. Add cheese and continue cooking until mixture is smooth and blended. Pour into fondue pot with low heat underneath. Serve at table with bread cubes. Spear a piece of bread with fork, going through soft part of bread first. Then push fork tines through crust. (If you don’t have a fondue pot this sauce may be spooned over toast and served as cheese rarebit.)

Table setting courtesy of Z.C.M.I.