The Wind Has Many Songs
March 1975

“The Wind Has Many Songs,” Friend, Mar. 1975, inside front cover

The Wind Has Many Songs

The wind has many songs—

Twilight lullabies

As it rocks the linnet’s nest,

Till fledglings close their eyes.

Sometimes the songs are sad—

When hills turn red and brown

And the wind sighs in the trees

While painted leaves drift down.

Later the songs grow loud—

Booming to a gale

To the rhythm of lashing rain

Or crisp, staccato hail.

Then madrigals of spring

Are joyous, brisk, and bright,

To lift on exultant wings

A lark, a paper kite.

Yet soft as cloud the wind

That stirs through leafy bowers,

Fragrant with the scent

Of summer’s thousand flowers!

Illustrated by Jerry Harston