“A Friend in the Gilbert Islands,” Friend, Nov. 1977, 39
A Friend in the Gilbert Islands
My home in the Gilbert Islands does not have modern conveniences. We don’t cook with electricity, but use kerosene and gas stoves instead. Our beds are large tables covered with sheets. We always bathe in cold water and walk several yards to a toilet room. Our house has only two rooms—a dining/front room and a bedroom. Because we live near the equator, it is always hot except when it rains.
The branch of the Church here is small. A year ago I went to Primary in Tonga. We have had a chance to visit wards in many different places and have found the gospel to be the same everywhere. Someday the Church will grow here as it has in other countries!
In some ways we feel like real pioneers. The only children I am able to play with are my brothers and sisters. I get a lot of enjoyment from the Friend. We receive it every month, but it comes four months after it is printed.
I like to read, baby-sit my four brothers and two sisters, and swim in the ocean not far from our front door and about a hundred feet from the back of our house! I enjoy cooking and sewing. My school is good, but very expensive. The Gilbertese love to sing and dance.
I know the Church is true, and its beliefs and doctrines are the same no matter where you live.
I thought you would be interested in learning about my life here in the Gilberts.
Photos by Scott Staples