undefined undefined Articles of Faith
Articles of Faith
February 1981

“Articles of Faith,” Friend, Feb. 1981, 43

Articles of Faith

Articles of Faith


  1. One of the most important ordinances of the gospel is ________.

  2. A man must be called of God by ________ and by the laying on of hands.

  3. Jesus Christ is our ________.

  4. One important gift is the ability to see ________.

  5. Men will be punished for their own ________.

  6. We believe in the ________ gathering of Israel.

  7. Another great gift is ________.

  8. Mankind may be saved by ________ to the laws and ordinances.

  9. We believe in the ________ Ghost.

  10. We believe the earth will be ________.

  11. We believe in the ________ of tongues, etc.

  12. The first ________ of the gospel is faith.

  13. We believe the ________ to be the word of God.

  14. We believe in being ________, true, chaste, benevolent, etc.


  1. The Bible is true as far as it is ________ correctly.

  2. The Holy Ghost is a ________.

  3. We believe that God will still ________ many important things.

  4. We worship God according to our own ________.

  5. We also believe in His ________, Jesus Christ.

  6. ________ will be built upon the American continent.

  7. We allow all men the same ________ to worship that we enjoy.

  8. The ________ will receive its paradisaical glory.

  9. Let others ________ how, where, or what they may.

  10. e believe in God, the ________ Father.

  11. We believe ________ a man must be called of God. …


  • Across—(1) baptism, (4) prophecy, (7) Savior, (8) visions, (11) sins, (12) literal, (15) revelation, (17) obedience, (19) Holy, (20) renewed, (21) gift, (23) principle, (24) Bible, (25) honest. Down—(2) translated, (3) spirit, (5) reveal, (6) conscience, (9) Son, (10) Zion, (13) privilege, (14) earth, (16) worship, (18) Eternal, (22) that.