Articles of Faith
February 1981

“Articles of Faith,” Friend, Feb. 1981, 43

Articles of Faith

Articles of Faith


  1. One of the most important ordinances of the gospel is ________.

  2. A man must be called of God by ________ and by the laying on of hands.

  3. Jesus Christ is our ________.

  4. One important gift is the ability to see ________.

  5. Men will be punished for their own ________.

  6. We believe in the ________ gathering of Israel.

  7. Another great gift is ________.

  8. Mankind may be saved by ________ to the laws and ordinances.

  9. We believe in the ________ Ghost.

  10. We believe the earth will be ________.

  11. We believe in the ________ of tongues, etc.

  12. The first ________ of the gospel is faith.

  13. We believe the ________ to be the word of God.

  14. We believe in being ________, true, chaste, benevolent, etc.


  1. The Bible is true as far as it is ________ correctly.

  2. The Holy Ghost is a ________.

  3. We believe that God will still ________ many important things.

  4. We worship God according to our own ________.

  5. We also believe in His ________, Jesus Christ.

  6. ________ will be built upon the American continent.

  7. We allow all men the same ________ to worship that we enjoy.

  8. The ________ will receive its paradisaical glory.

  9. Let others ________ how, where, or what they may.

  10. e believe in God, the ________ Father.

  11. We believe ________ a man must be called of God. …


  • Across—(1) baptism, (4) prophecy, (7) Savior, (8) visions, (11) sins, (12) literal, (15) revelation, (17) obedience, (19) Holy, (20) renewed, (21) gift, (23) principle, (24) Bible, (25) honest. Down—(2) translated, (3) spirit, (5) reveal, (6) conscience, (9) Son, (10) Zion, (13) privilege, (14) earth, (16) worship, (18) Eternal, (22) that.
