It’s Snowing!
January 1982

“It’s Snowing!” Friend, Jan. 1982, 45

It’s Snowing!

Tim has new skis, but he can’t try them out until it snows. To give Tim the necessary snow you will need scissors, thin cardboard, glue, and a 3′ length of string.

Cut out the two pictures. Paste them on cardboard, then trim cardboard to size of pictures. Tie ends of string together. Center doubled string on back of one cardboard square. Leave a little space between the two strings, then glue them in place. Glue back of second square on top of string, making certain square edges match (see illustration).

When dry, put hands through end loops of string. Swing squares in a circle until string is twisted. Carefully pull your hands apart to unwind string, and you’ll see the much wanted snow falling for Tim.
