Sharing Time: Remembering the Pioneers
July 1982

“Sharing Time: Remembering the Pioneers,” Friend, July 1982, 36

Sharing Time:

Remembering the Pioneers

To every thing there is season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. (Eccl. 3:1.)

Instructions: Carefully remove pages 36 and 44 from magazine and glue to lightweight cardboard. Color figures, background, and strip. Then cut out on solid black lines. Also cut slots A and B. Fold background in on dashed lines. Then insert slots A of strip into background slots B and stand on tabletop. To make figures stand up, fold tabs back.


July is the season for remembering pioneers. Can you explain what is happening in this scene? As you put each figure in place, imagine what you life would have been life if you had been a pioneer.

Sharing Time Ideas

After you have built diorama (dimensional scene), put figures in place as you tell a pioneer story. (See July issues of the Friend.) A pioneer song could be substituted for story. (See Sing with Me E-1 to E-8.) Taking the diorama down can be fun too. Write the page number of a song on the back of each figure. Ask a child to choose a figure and have the class sing that song. You may also invite the children to share what they know about pioneer life.


Illustrated by Shauna Mooney
