Fun with Numbers
October 1982

“Fun with Numbers,” Friend, Oct. 1982, 26

Fun with Numbers

If you do the following exercise correctly, you will know the number of Articles of Faith you need to memorize to graduate from Primary.

  1. Write down the age when most children in the Church are baptized.

  2. Add the age when boys in the Church usually become deacons.

  3. Multiply by the number in the Godhead.

  4. Add the age when boys in the Church can become priests.

  5. Subtract the number of days and nights it rained while Noah was in the ark.

  6. Subtract the number of Jesus’ apostles.

  7. Add the number of commandments Moses received.

  8. Subtract the age when most boys in the Church are ordained teachers.

  9. Subtract the number of days it took to create the earth (including the day God rested).


  • 8 + 12 x 3 + 16 - 40 - 12 + 10 - 14 - 7 = 13.
