Winter Song
February 1983

“Winter Song,” Friend, Feb. 1983, 25

Winter Song

I dreamed last night of a lovely land

Of candy and sugar galore,

With cinnamon buns beside the fence

And Popsicles over the door.

White all-day suckers grew by the walk,

And popcorn covered the tree.

Chocolate cake was frosted thick

As white as white could be.

This morning I saw my lovely land

All covered with sugared snow;

The chocolate cake was our garden hedge

Frosted with white—just so.

The buns were the bushes bending down,

All heaped in smooth, round hills.

The icicles fringed the roof of the house

And hung from the windowsills.

The popcorn man had placed popcorn balls

On the boughs of the evergreen,

And all-day suckers atop fence posts

Were the biggest I’ve ever seen.

But wasn’t I glad when I got my sled

And was bundled up warm and tight

That it wasn’t all candy and cake and gum

As I’d dreamed it was last night!

Illustrated by Dick Brown
