undefined undefined Kitchen Krafts: Easter Time Treats
Kitchen Krafts: Easter Time Treats
April 1983

“Kitchen Krafts: Easter Time Treats,” Friend, Apr. 1983, 18

Kitchen Krafts:

Easter Time Treats

Bunny Cupcakes

1 package white cake mix (or your own white-cake recipe)

1 can white frosting mix (or your own recipe)

1 cup shredded coconut

1 package ice-cream cones (flat bottom)

jelly beans

shoestring licorice

construction paper

  1. Mix batter as directed on package for cupcakes.

  2. Fill cones with batter only to top of lower section so they won’t overflow while baking.

  3. Bake as directed for cupcakes.

  4. Cool, then frost and sprinkle on coconut.

  5. Decorate, using jelly beans for eyes and nose, licorice for whiskers, and construction paper (cut in oval shapes) for ears.

April Spools

Make these little critters by gluing felt or by wrapping yarn over thread spools. Place spools in upright position for bunny and duck and on side for lion. Glue on pompoms for heads, feet, tails, and wings. In addition use pipe cleaner for lion’s tail. Use small beads for eyes, and pieces of felt for ears, noses, tongues, and bills.

Noodle Nests

4 cups chow mein noodles

3 cups miniature marshmallows

3 tablespoons butter or margarine

small jelly beans

  1. Grease cookie sheet.

  2. Pour noodles into bowl.

  3. Melt marshmallows and butter in saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly until smooth.

  4. Pour marshmallow mixture over noodles and stir until well coated.

  5. Rub butter on hands, and form noodle mixture into five equal balls; place on cookie sheet.

  6. With back of spoon, make hollow, or nest, in center of ball.

  7. Let nests stand until firm, then fill with jelly beans.

Easter Egg Sandwiches

3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped

1/4 cup chopped celery

1/4 teaspoon onion salt or 1/2 teaspoon prepared mustard

3 tablespoons mayonnaise

6 slices bread

Mix ingredients together and spread on bread.

Decorated Hollow Eggs

  1. Gently make small hole in one end of raw egg with darning needle. Make slightly larger hole in other end.

  2. Hold egg over bowl and gently blow into smaller hole until yolk and egg white come out of other end. (Save for cooking.) Carefully slosh water around inside of egg to clean it thoroughly, then gently shake egg to dry it.

  3. Coat half of egg with craft glue.

  4. Attach braid, yarn, tiny beads, or seeds. Let glue dry.

  5. Turn egg over and repeat steps 3 and 4.

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney; photo by Eldon Linschoten