I Like Round Things
May 1983

“I Like Round Things,” Friend, May 1983, 18–19

I Like Round Things

I like round things:

Balloons floating from strings;

Balls to bounce, balls to kick;

Hoops to roll with a stick;

The moon; buttons of every size;

The sun sailing across the skies;

Dewdrops, like bright jewels in grass;

And raindrops on the window glass.

I like to make round things:

Dandelion crowns, daisy rings;

Long paper chains and rosettes;

Somersaults and pirouettes;

Dots and circles and bubbles that fly

Higher and higher into the sky;

Cakes and cookies with faces that smile;

Lovely fat doughnuts once in a while.

I like things that go spinning ‘round:

The wheels of my bike; a pinwheel I found;

Tops, carousels turning dizzily;

Skates and Ferris wheels circling busily.

All round things are as nice as nice can be—

Things that go, things to make, things to see.

But the round things I like especially

Are the hugs of friends and family!

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney
