undefined undefined Signs to Camp By
Signs to Camp By
June 1983

“Signs to Camp By,” Friend, June 1983, 33


Signs to Camp By

More people every year are spending time outdoors in campgrounds and other recreational areas. You have probably seen some of these signs while you were on a camping trip. They are posted in public places for your safety and to help you enjoy your vacation. Try your skill at identifying the signs by writing the number of each clue below its appropriate sign.

Signs to camp by

Illustrated by Dick Brown

1. Picnic Area

5. Hiking Trail

9. Playground

2. Bicycle Trail

6. No Parking

10. Falling Rocks

3. No Fires

7. Launching Ramp

11. Drinking Water

4. First Aid

8. Horse Trail

12. Campfires


  • (a) 4, (b) 3, (c) 7, (d) 8, (e) 6, (f) 2, (g) 5, (h) 9, (i) 10, (j) 1, (k) 11, (l) 12.