undefined undefined Sharing Time: Be a Friend
Sharing Time: Be a Friend
February 1984

“Sharing Time: Be a Friend,” Friend, Feb. 1984, 33

Sharing Time:

Be a Friend

And thou shalt do that which is right (Deut. 6:18).

Being a friend to someone is the first step in being a good missionary. Friendshipping is a way of showing love to others. When people know we care about them, it could help them to want to learn about the gospel.

Here is a friendship circle with ideas about how to bring someone into your circle of friends. Use one idea each day, and soon you will have the talent for being a friend to others.


  1. Glue circles to lightweight cardboard, then cut them out. Punch hole in center of each circle and fasten together. Try making a circle with your own ideas about being a friend.

  2. Sing “Come with Me to Primary” (see page 42) as you are working.

Sharing Time Ideas

  1. Enlarge circles. Make six hearts on separate pieces of paper. Print ideas on hearts for older children, or draw pictures for younger children. Before Primary begins, attach hearts to undersides of seats of six chairs. Discuss friendshipping and missionary work, and ask children to think of ways that they could begin to be a friend to someone new. Ask them to look at bottom of seats of their chairs and, as hearts are found, have each child with an idea attach it to friendship circle.

  2. Make a copy of the Sharing Time page for each child to assemble. Have children sing “Come with Me to Primary” (see page 42). Ask children to try using ideas each day of coming week, and then report at next Sharing Time.

  3. Have children answer questions beginning with “How would you do right if …”

  4. Additional resources: Friend, Oct. 1974, page 10; CTR A, Lesson 14; Friend, Feb. 1981, page 46; Friend, Aug./Sept. 1981, page 14; Primary Sharing Time Resource Manual, page 68.