November 1984

“Prayer,” Friend, Nov. 1984, 33


Use the scripture reference to complete each statement about prayer by combining the words in the first column with the appropriate words in the second column.

1. (Ps. 46:1) We can pray about

a. pray always.

2. (D&C 59:7) We express thanks

b. those things we ask for that are right.

3. (D&C 19:28) We can pray silently

c. fasting.

4. (Moro. 7:48) We pray unto

d. or aloud.

5. (Col. 3:17) We end our prayers

e. Heavenly Father.

6. (D&C 88:126) We need to

f. anything in our life that we need help with.

7. (D&C 88:76) We are commanded to continue in prayer and

g. for all our blessings.

8. (3 Ne. 18:20) Heavenly Father will give us

h. in the name of Jesus Christ.

9. (1 Ne. 7:21) We can pray

i. for forgiveness.


  • (1) f, (2), g, (3) d, (4) e, (5) h, (6) a, (7) c, (8) b, (9) i.
