undefined undefined What Can I Do to Be a Missionary?
What Can I Do to Be a Missionary?
November 1984

“What Can I Do to Be a Missionary?” Friend, Nov. 1984, 40

What Can I Do to Be a Missionary?

Here are twenty-five things you can do to be a missionary. Make a check by an item each time you do it during the month of November. During family home evening, try challenging family members to do some of the items from the list.

    1. Memorize at least one scripture every week this month.

    1. Invite nonmember friends to come to your home after school to play.

    1. Start, or add to, your missionary fund.

    1. Tell someone the Joseph Smith story.

    1. Write letter to missionary.

    1. Offer to do service without pay for nonmember neighbor.

    1. Pray morning and night.

    1. Memorize hymn from the Church hymnbook.

    1. Learn to fix flat tire on bike.

    1. Attend Church meetings and listen well.

    1. Obey Word of Wisdom.

    1. Attend friend’s baptism.

    1. Pray for missionaries.

    1. Learn to mend your clothing and sew on buttons.

    1. Say hello to two new people at school.

    1. Read “A Very Good Day” in Friend, October 1984, page 2.

    1. Give someone Book of Mormon with your testimony written inside.

    1. Learn to do your own laundry.

    1. Suggest that nonmember or inactive family be invited to family home evening.

    1. Learn to play and sing “I Want to Be a Missionary Now” (Friend, October 1984, page 46).

    1. Bear your testimony in sacrament meeting.

    1. Share Friend magazine with someone.

    1. Give referrals of nonmembers to missionaries.

    1. Find out why Paul of Tarsus was such a good missionary.

    1. Set good example by being honest.