undefined undefined Reaching Your Goal
Reaching Your Goal
March 1985

“Reaching Your Goal,” Friend, Mar. 1985, 44

Reaching Your Goal

Johann Sebastian Bach spoke of his great talent once, saying, “I had to work hard. Anyone who works as hard will get just as far.” Everyone has talents to develop and perfect. But to do that, each person must decide what he wants to do, plan how to do it, and then work hard. Below are some suggestions on how to make goals and keep track of your progress.

  1. Decide what you want to do and write it down. Be specific. My goal is to _______________________________ _____________________

  2. Make a list of the different ways you can reach your goal. Talk to other people and get their ideas too.

    I can reach my goal by ___________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

  3. Set a deadline. I will reach my goal by ______________________________________ (date)

  4. Think about each idea on your list, then pick one. To reach my goal I will ______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  5. What I need to do each day to reach my goal: _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

In your journal, write your goal, how you are going to reach it, and why it is important to you. Then follow your plan and record your progress in your journal until you reach your goal. If your plan doesn’t work, change it or choose another goal to work on.