undefined undefined Hidden Meanings
Hidden Meanings
July 1985

“Hidden Meanings,” Friend, July 1985, 26

Hidden Meanings

Find the word that is left after you remove the letters of the word that fits the first definition. Example: J U F O U L R T Y H. Remove the month, but leave the date (July/fourth).

  1. C O B A W R N
    Remove the animal, but leave its home.

  2. C P O E R A R N
    Remove the vegetable, but leave the fruit.

  3. R Y O E L S L E O W
    Remove the flower, but leave the color.

  4. W O C O R D M
    Remove the fish, but leave the bait.

  5. D B O I L G L Y
    Remove the boy (given name), but leave his pet.


  • (1) cow/barn, (2) corn/pear, (3) rose/yellow, (4) cod/worm, (5) Billy/dog.