“The Second Coming of Jesus Christ,” Friend, July 1985, 20
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Adapted from Doctrine and Covenants Stories (PBIC037A)
(See D&C 45.)

1 Jesus told Joseph Smith that He would come to earth again. When He comes, He will fulfill the promises He made to previous prophets and Church leaders.

2 Jesus reminded Joseph that when He had lived on earth, He told his Apostles that before He came again, the temple in Jerusalem would be destroyed, the Jews would have to live in other lands, and many of them would be killed. There would be wars, people would not love each other, and the true Church would not be on the earth.

3 Then Heavenly Father would start the true Church on earth again. Many Jews would go back to Jerusalem; they would hear the gospel. Righteous Saints would build the new city of Zion, where they would not fight with each other and where wicked people would not be able to enter.

4 Jesus will come to earth in a bright cloud. Righteous people who have died will be resurrected, and they will meet Jesus in the cloud and come to earth with Him. Then Jesus will stand on a mountain in Jerusalem. The mountain will split in half, the earth will shake, the heavens will shake, and the wicked will be destroyed.

5 The people in Jerusalem will ask Jesus, “What are these wounds in thine hands and in thy feet?” And He will tell them, “I am Jesus that was crucified. I am the Son of God.” Then the people will weep because Jesus was crucified.

6 Righteous people will be very happy to see Jesus. The earth will be given to them, and they will raise righteous families. Jesus will live with them and be their king.