Clue Words
October 1985

“Clue Words,” Friend, Oct. 1985, 23

Clue Words

Rearrange the letters of each word to spell a new word that fits the clue given.

  1. Singer (Quit)

  2. Master (Body of running water)

  3. Models (Not often)

  4. Medals (Young woman)

  5. Fiber (Of short duration)

  6. Dimple (Walked lamely)

  7. Report (Burden carrier)

  8. Mental (Shelf above fireplace)

  9. Elbow (Underneath)

  10. Petal (Shallow dish)


  • (1) resign, (2) stream, (3) seldom, (4) damsel, (5) brief, (6) limped, (7) porter, (8) mantel, (9) below, (10) plate.
