Curriculum Outline: What You Will Learn in Primary
January 1986

“Curriculum Outline: What You Will Learn in Primary,” Friend, Jan. 1986, inside front cover

Curriculum Outline:
What You Will Learn in Primary

In Primary you will learn that you are children of God. You will learn about the beautiful world Heavenly Father and Jesus created for you. As you approach baptismal age, you will be taught to have faith in Jesus Christ. The principle of repentance and the gift of the Holy Ghost will be introduced to help prepare you for baptism. Basic scripture stories, including passages from the Savior’s life, will be used to illustrate important gospel principles.

From ages eight through eleven you will be taught to keep your baptismal covenants by learning about Old Testament and Book of Mormon prophets, pioneer men and women, and latter-day prophets. Boys will be helped to prepare to receive the Aaronic Priesthood and girls to join the ranks of the Young Women.

Primary lessons will acquaint you with the major characters and events from each of the standard works as well as from Church history. You will be taught about and expected to commit to memory the Articles of Faith.

Following are the main things you will learn about at each age.

3–5 years old

Strengthening Relationships with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and Family

Heavenly Father
Faith in Jesus Christ
God’s creations

6–7 years old

Following Jesus and Preparing for Baptism

Faith in Jesus Christ

Jesus’ life and teachings (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John)
Articles of Faith 1, 4
Gift of the Holy Ghost
Sabbath day
Joseph Smith
Restoration of the Church
Book of Mormon stories
Word of Wisdom

8–9 years old

Living Baptismal Covenants

Agency and accountability
Holy Ghost
Following Church leaders
Word of Wisdom
Old Testament stories
Early Apostles (Acts)
Latter-day prophets
Pioneer heroes
Articles of Faith 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10

10–11 year old

Preparing for Aaronic Priesthood or Young Womanhood

Plan of salvationAgency and accountability
Restoration of the Church
Scriptures—Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants
Articles of Faith 5, 6, 11, 12, 13
Missionary work
Virtuous living
Eternal family

Resources Available to Help You Learn the Gospel at Home and at Church

Standard works
Family Home Evening Resource Book
The Friend
Scripture storybooks, tapes, filmstrips, and videotapes
Old Testament Stories
New Testament Stories
Book of Mormon Stories
Doctrine and Covenants Stories
Scripture Stories (book and tape only)
Sing with Me
Primary courses
Walk in His Ways manuals A and B
Audiovisual materials

Daniel Blandthorn, age 8, Bendigo, Victoria, Australia

Mimi Sanchez, age 10, Sacramento, California

Ron Halona, age 11, Sawmill, Arizona

Corrine Hunsperger, age 7, Glenwood, Alberta, Canada
