undefined undefined Brett Boydell of London, England
Brett Boydell of London, England
May 1986

“Brett Boydell of London, England,” Friend, May 1986, 28

Making Friends:

Brett Boydell of London, England

When Brett Boydell (9) asked his dad if he could use the wood scraps stacked in the garden, everyone was happy with the results. Brett and his dad built a car!

Actually it was a cart, not a car. But when Brett took it to the stake picnic and gave free rides to everyone, it was as appreciated as the most expensive sports coupe.

Brett lives with his dad, Leonard, his mom, Joan, his sisters, Emma (6) and Sheryl (16), and his brother, Craig (13), in London, England. When he grows up, he wants to design real cars. He is always practicing, using every piece of paper lying around.

Because Brett attends school in the Bayswater district in London, he has friends from all over the world. Students from fifty-two different countries go to his school. Many of their parents work for their governments or for other reasons are stationed in London. Not only that, but when Brett goes to church in the Hyde Park Ward, he also meets children there who come from Africa, Scotland, Canada, and lots of other places. It’s especially fun to take part in Primary presentations when the other children on the program come from all over the world!

Brett is proud of his membership in the Church. He tells his nonmember friends about stake camp and the many other activities he enjoys. In a recent dance contest at the ward, Brett won in the under-16 division for his “body popping” (break dancing). He is a fast runner and often wins races at stake sporting events. His friends think it must be fun to be a Mormon. Because Brett tries to be a good example of all that he believes, his friends may one day understand that being a Mormon is a lot more than just fun.

Photographed by Vivian Paulsen

Brett and his dad built this cart

One of Brett’s designs

The Houses of Parliament

Emma and Brett come home from school

Big Ben

The British flag by Brett