Daddy’s Shoes
June 1986

“Daddy’s Shoes,” Friend, June 1986, 32

Daddy’s Shoes

Whenever I do things for Mom,

Dad says I “fill his shoes.”

How can that be? They’re much too large!

I’ll check each pair for clues:

My daddy’s work boots lace up high;

They’re leather, and they’re strong.

You couldn’t choose a better pair

To work in all day long.

For Sundays and dress-up affairs,

His shoes are shiny bright.

Dad looks just grand from head to toe—

He’s such a handsome sight!

He has some large black winter boots;

He wears them when it snows.

They buckle snugly ’round his feet;

They don’t have ties or bows.

Before bedtime, or after baths,

Dad’s slippers are his choice.

The shoes he wears for basketball

Sure have a squeaky voice!

My daddy’s shoes are still too large

(I’ve tried them all again),

But Dad says that I fill them

‘Cause I help like grown-up men.

Illustrated by Elise Niven Black
