Donzella Kinsey and Adeogia Anderson of Kenosha, Wisconsin
October 1987

“Donzella Kinsey and Adeogia Anderson of Kenosha, Wisconsin,” Friend, Oct. 1987, 20

Making Friends:

Donzella Kinsey and Adeogia Anderson of Kenosha, Wisconsin

Nisa (short for Donzella), 7, and Adeogia (pronounced A-dee-OH-ka), 6, have lots of friends to play with in their neighborhood. Now that they’ve joined the Church, they have lots of friends in Primary too. But their best friend is their mom.

Nakita, Jarvis, Latisha, Secquita, Dikeomel, Sherlree, and Latasha are just a few of their young friends. When school is over and chores are done, Nisa and Adeogia do lots of things with them, such as jump rope, roller-skate, play kickball, or go to the store or art class.

Playing “Save Me from the Monster” is Adeogia’s favorite game to play with Mom. She gets to be the monster, and Nisa tries to save Mom from being pounced on. Another fun thing that they do together is have pillow fights!

Nisa loves to read, and she often reads her favorite book, the Bible, to her mother. Adeogia hasn’t started first grade yet, but Mom always takes time to help her learn to read with homemade flash cards.

When the girls play together, music is usually involved. If it is warm enough, they like to go out with their umbrellas and sing in the rain. A favorite indoor game is one they call “Twill-Lil-Lee,” and they’ve made up a snappy handclapping routine to go with the song.

Both girls love to sing in Primary. “Book of Mormon Stories” is Adeogia’s favorite Primary song. She’s a CTR A. Nisa is a CTR B, and she loves to give talks about Jesus and doing good things for people.

When she grows up, Nisa wants to be an art teacher and help children learn to draw. Adeogia wants to be a doctor “so that I can make people better so that they can go home and they can visit their friends.”

Photographed by H. J. Noel and Fred Karst

Nikki, Mom, Nisa
“Mom and Nisa gang up on Nikki, my cousin visiting from Ohio.”

neighborhood friend, Nisa
“I’m pretty good at double dutch.”


“Look out—here I come!”

Adeogia, Nisa
“When we sing ‘I Am a Child of God,’ we feel good all over.”

Nisa, Mom
“I love to read the Bible to Mom.”

Adeogia, Mom
“Mom likes to help me read with flash cards.”

“I get to practice my talk at the pulpit.”

neighborhood friends, Nisa, Adeogia
“Everybody likes to play store with us.”

Nisa, Adeogia
“I’ll save Mom from the Monster!”

Nikki, Adeogia
“I can beat my cousin Nikki.”

Adeogia, Nisa
“‘Twill-Lil-Lee’ is lots of fun.”

“Checking the locks is one chore I really like to do.”
