“The Gift,” Friend, Dec. 1987, inside front cover
The Gift
Around our Christmas tree this year
So many gifts there’ll be,
With treasures hidden deep inside—
It’s hard to wait and see.
They’ll come in boxes tied with string
And fancy, shiny bows,
Brightly wrapped in colored paper—
Oh, how excitement grows!
Inside each box with Christmas wrapping
Could be a toy or game.
Whatever’s hidden deep inside,
I’ll love it just the same.
But though a lot of gifts are nestled
Beneath the Christmas tree,
The very most important one
You cannot plainly see.
He came upon that wondrous night
So very long ago—
A tiny baby wrapped in cloth,
Laid in a manager low.
The Christ child who lay quietly
Within that stable poor
Would carry out God’s pledge that we
Might live forevermore.
So, Christmas morning when you find
Your gifts beneath the tree,
Remember the best is that one which
God gave to you and me.
Illustrated by Shauna Mooney