Animals Down Under
May 1988

“Animals Down Under,” Friend, May 1988, 23

Animals Down Under

Unscramble the anagrams to discover a dozen animals/birds that live in Australia.

  1. Typlpuas

  2. Oaogaknr

  3. Olaak

  4. Tbdainooc

  5. Ngodi

  6. Ribldyer

  7. Gnodgu

  8. Ybwlala

  9. Twmoab

  10. Ssccuu

  11. Meu

  12. Ntsaamnia vlide


  • (1) platypus, (2) kangaroo, (3) koala, (4) bandicoot, (5) dingo, (6) lyrebird, (7) dugong (like a tiny whale with a pug nose), (8) wallaby, (9) wombat, (10) cuscus (rigtailed tree dweller with large eyes and cuddly fur), (11) emu, (12) Tasmanian devil.