undefined undefined Say It with Pictures
Say It with Pictures
August 1988

“Say It with Pictures,” Friend, Aug. 1988, 22

Say It with Pictures

Children who have difficulty speaking or being understood sometimes use pictures to communicate. In Primary a child could use pictures to tell a story, give a prayer, or present a talk.

Picture story


The pictures* in the first box (1) represent the different parts of a prayer. In the second box (2) are things to be thankful for or to ask help with. A child who has a speech impairment would point to the pictures to give his prayer. Point to the pictures that would be appropriate for a prayer that you might give.





  • Pictures are modified from Charlotte R. Clarke, Cornelia O. Davies, and Richard W. Woodcock, Standard Rebus Glossary, American Guidance Service, Inc., Circle Pines, Minnesota (1974).