undefined undefined What Am I?
What Am I?
October 1988

“What Am I?” Friend, Oct. 1988, 14

What Am I?

  1. To protect me, Ammaron put me in the Hill Shim. (See Morm. 1:3.)

  2. Mormon hid most of me in the Hill Cumorah and gave a few of me to his son, Moroni. (See Morm. 6:6.)

  3. The Lord said that I am not to be used to make money. (See Morm. 8:14.)

  4. Reformed Egyptian characters have been written on me. (See Morm. 9:32.)

  5. Moroni put me in a stone box and covered me with a large rock. Many years later Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith and told him about me. (See Morm. 8:4; JS—H 1:33–34, 51–52.)

What am I?

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  • gold plates