Picture the Answer
November 1988

“Picture the Answer,” Friend, Nov. 1988, 11

Picture the Answer

Draw picture(s) on the blanks to complete each sentence correctly.

  1. In their journey to the promised land, the Jaredites took their flocks, ___________ of the waters, and swarms of ___________. (Ether 2:1–3.)

  2. The Lord came down in a ___________ to talk to the brother of Jared. (Ether 2:4.)

  3. The Lord told the brother of Jared to build ___________ that would be as watertight as a ___________. (Ether 2:16–17.)

  4. The brother of Jared saw the ___________ of the Lord when He touched the sixteen stones. (Ether 3:5–8.)

  5. When the people were righteous, the promised land was rich with ___________, grain, fine cloth, precious metals, and many animals, including ___________. (Ether 9:16–19.)

  6. When the people became unrighteous and would not repent, the Lord caused a famine and poisonous ___________ to be on the land. (Ether 9:30–33.)

  7. Ether was cast out by the people, and he hid in the cavity of a ___________ and wrote the Jaredite history. (Ether 13:13–14.)

  8. The army of Coriantumr pitched their ___________ by the ___________ Ramah, where Mormon hid the ___________. (Ether 15:11.)


  • (1) fish, bees; (2) cloud; (3) barges, dish; (4) finger; (5) fruit, any animal mentioned; (6) serpents; (7) rock; (8) tents, hill, records (gold plates).
