undefined undefined Peewee’s Cookie Catch
Peewee’s Cookie Catch
August 1989

“Peewee’s Cookie Catch,” Friend, Aug. 1989, 21

Peewee’s Cookie Catch

Amanda had a dog named Peewee. She liked to throw things to Peewee. And Peewee liked to catch things. One day Amanda threw her blue ball to Peewee. He caught it and brought it back to her. Next, she threw a brown stick, and he caught it and brought it back to her. Then she threw his rubber bone that squeaked. Peewee caught it and squeaked it when he brought it back to her.

Amanda had two fancy cookies. She ate one and threw the other one to Peewee. He caught it, but he didn’t bring it back to her!

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney