Hana, Hana, Hana, Kuchi (Nose, Nose, Nose, Mouth)
March 1990

“Hana, Hana, Hana, Kuchi (Nose, Nose, Nose, Mouth)” Friend, Mar. 1990, 14

Hana, Hana, Hana, Kuchi
(Nose, Nose, Nose, Mouth)

This game for three or more players comes from Japan and is something like Simon Says. the person who is It says, “Nose, nose, nose, mouth” (“Ear, ear, ear, ear,” or whatever) and simultaneously touches his nose three times. When It says, “mouth,” however (or whatever is said only once), he touches something else, such as his hair. The other players are to repeat what It says and does. If a player touches the wrong thing—his mouth, for instance, when It says, “mouth,” but touches his hair—that player is out of the game until all players but one have been eliminated. The last player then becomes It for the next game.
