undefined undefined Scripture-Story Clue Maze
Scripture-Story Clue Maze
June 1990

“Scripture-Story Clue Maze,” Friend, June 1990, 11

Scripture-Story Clue Maze

Begin with number 1, and follow the story about Moses’ birth by giving the right answer to each clue question.

  1. Many years after Joseph and his eleven brothers died, a new pharaoh was afraid that the Hebrews would become too numerous and powerful (see Ex. 1:1–10). If he transported the Hebrews to Assyria, go to 12; if he enslaved the Hebrews, go to 9.

  2. Oops! Pharaoh had no authority in Bethlehem—that was Herod, and he made this decree after Jesus was born. (See Matt. 2:16.) Go to 16.

  3. Pharaohs’s daughter did realize that Moses was a Hebrew boy, but when she opened the ark and he cried, she pitied him (see Ex. 2:6). Go to 14.

  4. The trouble with Pharaoh’s plan was that the Hebrews continued to get stronger and more numerous, in spite of being slaves (see Ex. 1:12–14). If Pharaoh told the Hebrew midwives to kill all the baby boys they helped to be born, go to 18; if he had his soldiers carry the Hebrews captive to Babylon, go to 13.

  5. Sorry—maybe you were thinking of the time when Zoram thought that Nephi was Laban and gave Nephi the plates of brass. (See 1 Ne. 4:20–35.) Go to 3.

  6. One day Moses saw a burning bush, but the flames were not consuming the bush. The Lord appeared “in a flame of fire out of the midst of [the] bush” and told Moses that he was to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt (see Ex. 3:1–10). The end.

  7. Tsk, tsk! you’re just guessing! How could she flee to Egypt when they were already there? It was Joseph and Mary who fled to Egypt with Jesus. (See Matt. 2:13–14.) Go to 17.

  8. Pharaoh was really angry! If he told the people to throw all the newborn boys into the river, go to 16; if he told the people to kill all the children in Bethlehem who were less than two years old, go to 2.

  9. That’s exactly what Pharaoh did. He made them build treasure cities for him (see Ex. 1:11). Go to 4.

  10. No—Joseph was the Hebrew who grew up to become the ruler of Egypt under Pharaoh. (See Gen. 37:3, 41:39–41.) Go to 6.

  11. When Moses was born to Amram and Jochebed (see Ex. 6:20), she didn’t throw him into the river. If she took him and fled to Egypt, go to 7; if she hid him in the reeds near the edge of the river, go to 17.

  12. No—actually, many, many years later, after the Israelites had divided into the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom, the Assyrians themselves carried the Israelites of the Northern Kingdom to Assyria. They later became the Ten Lost Tribes. (See Bible Dictionary: Israel, Kingdom of.) Go to 9.

  13. A natural mistake, but this is what happened to Judah (the Southern Kingdom—see 12) a few years after Lehi and his group left Jerusalem. (See Jer. 20:5; 2 Ne. 1:1—4.) Go to 18.

  14. Pharaoh’s daughter did more than just save Moses’ life—she took him into her home and raised him as her own son; she even paid his mother, Jochebed, to be his nursemaid. (See Ex. 2:7–10). If he grew up and became the ruler of Egypt, go to 10; if he grew up and led the Hebrews out of Egypt, go to 6.

  15. While Miriam was watching Moses, Pharaoh’s daughter came to the river to bathe and she espied the ark (see Ex. 2:5). If she let him live because she did not realize that he was a Hebrew boy, go to 5; if she him live even though she knew that he was a Hebrew boy, go to 3.

  16. Yes—he meant to drown them, of course (see Ex. 1:22). Go to 11.

  17. Yes—when she couldn’t hide him at home any longer, she place him in a tiny ark made of bulrushes and hid him at the edge of the river. His sister, Miriam, watched him from a distance (see Ex. 2:3–4; Ex. 15:20). Go to 15.

  18. True. But the midwives were faithful to the gospel and so did not kill any of the Hebrew baby boys. They told Pharaoh that the mothers had their babies before they (the midwives) could get there to help (see Ex. 1:15–19). Go to 8.